Hi, I'm Jonny Goode

I'm a professional musician and I've been working from home and pro studios for over 25 years.

I teach musicians how to get the most out of their home studios, create awesome sounding music and build confidence in their skill set.

If you follow my channel on YouTube you may well know that I work from my home studio as a freelance producer, stock music composer and run a leading tribute band.

I've worked with hundreds of musicians over the years, both live and in the studio. It brings me great pleasure to share with others what I've learned along my journey and instil people with the skills to accelerate their knowledge base, build their confidence and reach their full potential.

I've been where you are right now and I know it can seem like such a challenge to start getting out there but applying my methods will see you on the fast track to success.

Unlock over 10 Hours of Home Studio Tuition!

Subscribing today will give you unlimited access to all my courses covering everything you need to start making better sounding music from your home studio today.

That's £597 worth of tuition for just £12 a month!

You'll receive instant access to...

Complete Mixing Course

The Virtual Console PRO Edition is designed to take you through the entire mixing process from the early stages of gain staging and bringing up a static mix to each mix element, decision and method along the way to complete the project. We'll mix our drums, bass guitar, electric and acoustic guitars, vocals and all other supplied tracks utilising musical methods and I'll be with you every step of the way as you mix along interactively with the supplied track stems.

This course focusses on working musically utilising analogue style plugins for a more enjoyable and musical approach to home studio mixing and with a comprehensive list of recommended free and paid plugins included you can mix along with me no matter what your budget.

Discover the pros musical approach to mixing as I walk you step by step through the entire process.

Recording & Song Development (£199)

The Singer/Songwriter's Home Studio Toolkit is specifically designed at musician's just like you. Singer/Songwriter's who want to focus and improve upon the skills they require in the home studio to not just make a solid demo but to produce tracks for release they can be proud of.

This course will take you step by step through the essential elements of song production.

Starting from the very beginning of song development, you'll learn how to build your idea into a fully arranged piece. How to record your vocals and guitar like a pro, edit your work and finally, mix down with a completely interactive mix tutorial focussing on the key singer/songwriter mix elements that you require to make the mixes your music deserves.

EQ & Compression Masterclass (£199)

Channel Strip 101 guides you through the mix process using one free plugin

Think of an artist with a canvas. Do they start off painting a portrait by working in the finest detail of the eyes or perfecting each hair on the head of the subject? Hell no!

They start by getting colour on the canvas and building a shape and a feel to the painting. This is the most exciting time to create and when the portrait springs to life. Details are great but it's this solid foundation, getting everything in the right place that makes or breaks the painting.

It's no different with building a mix and I'm going to show you, step by step how to utilise one plugin, the channel strip, to build that solid foundation to your mix.

Once you understand this method you simply won't believe how much better your mixes will become.

If you're looking for pro results, then start mixing like the pros and uncover the art, musicality and power of the channel strip in this complete, end to end audio mixing course

You'll Receive Keys To The Real Home Studio Community!

With the ALL Access Pass you can join the Real Home Studio community. A place where you'll meet like minded music producers and can share your mixes, progress, questions and feedback.

It's a closed community meaning you can share safely unlike on social media and a great place to feel connected whilst learning, developing and sharing your skills and experiences.

EXCLUSIVE! Tuition Videos Every Month!

Every month you'll have access to a new and exclusive production tuition video which isn't available anywhere else online. These feature my juiciest, best tips and techniques to help you take your mixes, masters and productions to the next level.

What Students Are Saying...

"I was not good at recording or mixing acoustic guitars a few years ago. My vocals were too loud and too close. Now I really think about which mic, preamp, recording setting gain staging etc. go into the decision for the song." Joe M

"Step by step, what to do with your mix and what not to do! Not only that but he explains why you're making the decisions. If you want a professional sounding mix, I totally recommend his course." Breno V

"Love your style of teaching"

Rick P

What's Included?

  • Instant access to over 10 hours of premium music production tuition
  • Join the closed community group where you can share your progress, questions and music.
  • Access exclusive monthly production content for the best mixing and production techniques.
  • Join for FREE - cancel anytime


Do I get to own the courses?

No. As long as you are subscribed to the all access pass you have complete access to all the content on Real Home Studio Academy and Community. If you end your subscription your access will end also.

Do I get a discount if I've enrolled in a course already?

Discounts are not available for the All Access Pass.

I bought it but i'm not using it can i get my money back?

No. If you're not using the material you can cancel anytime.

Not Ready to Pay Yet?...TRY for FREE!

Let me give you an all access pass to over 10 hours of home studio tuition, the keys to the closed community group and exclusive content for absolutely FREE! for 7 days.



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